I love podcasts. They allow me to get to know incredible people that would otherwise be impossible, and do so in a very intimate, honest way. I like listening to podcasts while I’m doing other things like chores, commuting or falling asleep. I think it’s one of the best things that is happened to the Internet and I’m so grateful they exist. Heck, I even had one and I think about reviving it almost every day.
I think we’re still at the infancy stages of podcasting, with so many people still to be reached and new ways to consume them. I would love to have a way to have podcast episodes transcribed so that I could go back to the information that’s shared in them. I would also love a way to know what episodes of what podcasts are the most popular. Find out what my friends and people I follow are listening to and enjoying. A Good Reads of sorts for podcasts.
If anyone reading this want to take a shot at either of them, that would be amazing.
This list is my simple solution to the problem of sharing my favorite episodes: I’ve created an RSS feed that you can subscribe to using your favorite podcast app, in which I’ll be adding the best podcast episodes I listen to. If someone wants to create a tool to make this easier, that would be great! I’ve been thinking about doing it myself for a while now.
So anyway, I hope you like some of my favorite episodes of my favorite podcasts in the last year or so:
Artificial Intelligence
George Hotz
I’ve been watching the autonomous driving phenomenon for a long time now, but never before I had truly understood the depth of the challenges it faces and above all, the different technologies, the different approaches and what the state of the art is. This conversation shed some light on it all. Also, check out other episodes because the guests are great.
Naval Podcast
Play Long-term Games With Long-term People
This episode is one my favorites but all of them are packed with wisdom about life and business. Each of them is a very short gem that needs to be listened, but above all, applied.
The Joe Rogan Experience
Dr. Ben Goertzel
Really awesome conversation about the coming of a Artificial General Intelligence with someone who’s been working on it their whole life, and with a very particular point of view. Loved it.
Rich Roll Podcast
Yuval Noah Harari
Yuval is the author of Sapiens, one the books that I’ve heard people recommend the most, and that I still hadn’t read before listening to this podcast. I couldn’t even finish it before I bought the book. What I’ve enjoyed the most so far about Yuval is the perspective he brings into things. Being a historian that has studied the whole of human history, he can see things in the world of today with a clarity that is very, very rare. I’m planning on reading his three books now and listen to as many interviews on him as I can.
The Knowledge Project
Getting Better by Being Wrong
This is the type of conversations I like the most. That is, the ones where I learn things I didn’t know they even existed. Annie Duke is a very successful professional poker player and an expert in how to make good decisions. I was surprised to know that there is so much knowledge out there about improving the quality of the decisions you make, and in this podcast there are some really interesting strategies to do so.
Big Questions with Cal Fussman
Kobe Bryant
This interview perfectly embodies what I love about podcasts. One of the best basketball players of all time sits with an awesome interviewer who asks the most amazing questions, and you feel like you’re just there with them. A very intimate conversation that gets you into Kobe’s mind and gives you a glimpse of how he thinks about not only basketball, but also creativity, life and much more. Just wow.
The Joe Rogan Experience
Matthew Walker
This one blew me away. Matthew Walker has been studying sleep for decades, and even though I’m pretty paranoid about the quantity and quality of mine, I didn’t know most of the things he talks about in this episode. We all know that we need to sleep more and better, now you’re really going to know why.
The Tim Ferriss Show
Joe Gebbia — Co-Founder of Airbnb
This is one of my favorite interviews of all time. Joe is incredibly talented and his story-telling is amazing. This interview is packed with humor, wisdom and great, great stories.
The James Altucher Show
Tim Ferriss: Using a New Lens To Make Life Easier
I’ve been a Tim Ferriss fan for a long, long time. I find it super interesting how he’s managed to do extremely well in a wide variety of fields, learning things from scratch, quickly becoming an expert at them and then sharing his knowledge while making a business of it. He is usually the interviewer in his podcast and rarely appears on other ones, but when he does, he leaves gems like this one.
The Joe Rogan Experience
Jordan Peterson
Joe Rogan’s podcast has been the single biggest discovery since I started listening to podcasts. I’ve changed my mind at so many things since I started to listen to the guests that Joe brings to his show. From hunting to psychedelics, the number life-changing experiences that you can learn about in his show is big. This episode is one of my favorites. Jordan Peterson is a clinical psychologist who has really strong and deeply researched opinions about what makes us happy.
The Joe Rogan Experience
Rhonda Patrick
I was first exposed to Rhonda Patrick on Tim Ferriss’ podcast but I think I like Joe’s interviews better. She’s become one of my go-to sources of knowledge when it comes to nutrition, aging, and related diseases. She is super smart and some of her knowledge will blow you away. She also has her own podcast, where she talks about all these subjects. It sometimes gets a bit too technical, though.
Hardcore History
Blueprint for Armageddon I
I’ve always been interested in the World Wars, two conflicts of absolutely mind-boggling dimensions that took place right here, in Europe. I’ve never heard someone talk about history the way Dan Carlin does, he kept me equally amazed and horrified during the narration. Must listen.
If you like this list and would like to subscribe to it, Good news! You can add this RSS feed to your favorite podcast app (see how here) and you’ll be notified when I add a new episode to this list, just like any other podcast.And if you have a favorite podcast episode that you think should be on this list, please let me know.
Happy podcasting